Our Clapham Junction electricians carry out hundreds of jobs for customers every month. The most common job types include: –
When you have tripping fuses, faulty switches and broken sockets which are all relatively common issues for people. These faults shouldn’t be ignored and are life hazards to you and your family, therefore they should not be left unrepaired. In fact all represent a potential risk of electric shock and should be made safe as soon as possible by qualified electrician.
Whatever the issue you have, whether it’s fixing electrical faults or simply nuisance tripping, new socket or circuit installations, rewiring a property or portable appliance testing (PAT), our Clapham Junction electricians are here to help.
When you require quick response from our Clapham Junction electrician, call us and we'll aim to be with you within 15-30 minutes - please confirm when calling!
When you book our electrician you can count on getting the professional expertise you’re looking for. The work of all our Clapham Junction electricians is done according to British Standard BS 7671 “Requirements for Electrical Installations”.
Additional locations we cover, our Electricians are based in Clapham Junction, including the follownig locations and when your local lockamith is busy, one of our Electricians from the following locations can attend your needs. We therefore can allocated one of our professional electrician to your property in 20-30 minutes from your call.